28.02.2018  Düsseldorf / Germany

Henkel Food Safe Packaging Webinar calendar for 2018 released

Keeping up to date with food safe packaging

For all companies involved in the value chain, ensuring the safety of food packaging continues to be an essential task. This is a view shared by many of the industry professionals who participated in a survey conducted within the scope of Henkel’s Food Safe Packaging Webinars in 2017: 79 percent of them stated that the relevance of food safe packaging has increased in their company in the past twelve months. 93 percent expect its importance to continue to rise in their industry in the same period to come. As a market leader for high-impact adhesive solutions worldwide, Henkel is committed to increasing transparency and sharing its knowledge of the broad and complex field of food safe packaging with its industry partners. The webinars are a key element in the company’s Food Safe Packaging Initiative (www.henkel.com/foodsafety). The webinar calendar for 2018, which covers a broad range of topics from analytics to current legislation, has now been released.

“Due to the very positive participant feedback, especially during last year’s series of webinars, and this topic’s consistently high relevance, we are very happy to continue our webinars on food safe packaging in 2018. My colleagues and I are looking forward to offering a broad range of food safety topics again this year, from basic knowledge to specific regulations and analytic procedures,” states Dr. Monika Tönnießen, Manager Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Henkel. “Throughout 2018, we will discuss different regulatory and legislative environments along our global value chain and provide deeper insights into important topics, such as migration testing of laminating adhesives or mineral oil components in food packaging adhesives.”

The survey conducted also revealed that knowledge about the legal conditions and specific requirements of food safe packaging along the value chain is highly relevant to the participants. Most importantly, however, they want to meet the challenge of safeguarding food safety while maintaining production cost efficiency. Since launching its Food Safe Packaging Webinars in 2013, more than 5,000 participants were able to communicate directly with Henkel experts during more than 70 sessions.

Ten webinars will be held in English throughout 2018. A session on the “Fundamentals of global legislation for adhesives in food contact” held by Dr. Monika Tönnießen on November 28 will close out the year. Region-specific webinars will also be held: For example, an additional webinar will be carried out on October 10 in German on the topic of “Adhesives in food packaging – levers for improving safety”.

These webinars enable Henkel to provide a platform for all industry members involved in this food packaging value chain, such as converters, brand owners, and retailers. The webinars offered build on Henkel’s commitment to broaden communication on food safe packaging and to bring together a wider range of professionals active in this field – from experts such as packaging developers, laboratory workers, and food safety managers to generalists such as plant managers.

The full Food Safe Packaging Webinar schedule with all detailed topics and further information is available at www.packaging.henkel-adhesives.com/webinars. Participation in the webinars is free of charge for partners and customers in the industry.

Dr. Monika Tönnießen, Manager Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Henkel

Henkel provides insights into food safe packaging in its webinars available on its food safety portal: henkel.com/foodsafety

Sebastian Hinz Adhesive Technologies Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-8594 press@henkel.com Pobierz wizytówkę Dodaj do ulubionych